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All consultations are by appointment. Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and doctor. 


If you have a number of things, or a complex matter to discuss, please ask for a long appointment. 


A separate appointment is required for each person that requires a consultation with the Doctor (even if you are seeing the same doctor).


If you require forms to be completed by your Doctor, please make an appointment. 


if you require a referral or a script, please book a consultation. Requests for this to be completed outside of a consultation is at the doctors discretion and will incur a fee.


Urgent Appointments

We make every effort to facilitate appointments for urgent care. Our team will ask you about your need and assist to identify a suitable appointment. 


Walk in Appointments

All consultations are by appointment. We do not accept walk-in appointments. We advise you to call the clinic before attending in person. 


Patients that present at the practice without an appointment will be triaged by our nursing team. We may provide you with a future appointment, advise you to go to the hospital or call an ambulance to assist you. 


House Calls

If you are too unwell to come in to our practice, we may be able to provide house calls or community visits by prior arrangement (including visiting residents in aged care facilities). Please ask our reception team about how we can help you.


Transport to your appointment at the Emerald Medical Centre can also be arranged for eligible patients. Please ask our reception team how we can help you.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7:30am - 6pm
Sat: 9am - 2pm
Sun: Closed

Public Holidays: 10am - 2pm (Please note: this is subject to staff availability).

Contact us

Ph: 07 4986 7400

Find us


Pilot Farm Road

Emerald 4720
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